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Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12


We see a pack of young believers, rallied together behind the call to follow Christ, rising up out of way of this world to embrace who we are, what we have, and what we can do as a result of the finished work of Christ.


Pursuing righteousness and radical identification with Christ.

The Uprising

The Uprising (Grades 6-12) meets weekly on Wednesday nights in the Commons for worship, snacks and an empowering message.


         Giant Slayers: We may not look like much, but we never back down from a fight. We are not intimidated by circumstances. We conquer fear and doubt, and our confidence inspires faith in others. We have faith in a living and moving God.

          Bread Breakers: We have true fellowship with one another. We rally around everyone, weak or strong, and we pursue after the highest good for one another. We display selflessness by laying down our way for the benefit of others.

          Pilgrims & Outsiders: We look different than the world. We have different purposes, goals, and codes by which we live. We don’t get caught up in the drama or cares of this world, and we don’t get distracted from our purpose for why we are here. We don’t live like the world, and we are unbending even if the world doesn’t understand what we do.

          Radicals: We aren’t content with comfortable Christianity. We aren’t half-in, half-out sort of people. We are committed to the cause with a higher level intensity than many believers around us.


          The Faceless Mob: We aren’t concerned about our name or reputation. We don’t have an agenda to build our own kingdoms. We bear the identity of our leader. We stand with one another if one loses, we all lose, but if one wins, we all win. We are authentic, real, and not afraid of being shunned from the group. We welcome people with open arms and quickly give them a position in our midst.

          Miracle Workers: We refuse to let go of faith in any situation. We recognize that we are chosen, approved, and backed by The King. Wherever we go, we bring the miraculous on the scene. By the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, we are the answer to people’s prayers and doers of the impossible. We have a mentality that the miraculous is common.

          On Guard: We are always training and disciplining ourselves to make sure we are ready for battle at any moment. We don’t have highs and lows, off seasons, or breaks—we are steady and always at our station because lives depend on it.


Jessica Netzler

Jessica Netzler

Uprising Lead Team
Coleman Tanton

Coleman Tanton

Assistant Youth Ministry Director
Lindsey Tanton

Lindsey Tanton

Uprising Lead Team