Thanks for taking the time to look at what giving at Good News Church looks like. We’re fortunate to have a history of generous people who leverage what they have so that others can experience and express the essence of Jesus.
You can’t out give God. We don’t shy away from talking about giving back to God a portion of what originally came from Him. You may have heard that “it’s better to give than receive.” We believe “it’s better to give back some of what you receive.” God doesn’t want your money – He wants all of you.
Jesus made it clear that how we use our money is a reflection of the values of our hearts. Being generous with the things God has given to you to manage is a matter of simple obedience to God. Obedience is good for us. It kicks in a sweet dynamic where God’s tangible and intangible favor comes to us. When you give, you enable Good News Church to reach more people with the life-changing message of Jesus. Marriages are strengthened, families brought closer together, purpose is discovered, souls are saved, and people engage the adventure of walking out God’s best for them. In short, your faithful giving creates places where you, your family, and your friends can experience Jesus.